are the truly impressive Snipex T-Rex, adopted in 2021; the Snipex Alligator, also in 2021; and the new, PG-14. 57-caliber) cartridge. Speaking of the round, the 14. 7x108 repeating rifle Snipex ALLIGATOR; specs and capabilities As DE reported, anti-materiel 14. 7x108 AP bullet dmg 600 12. One of the world’s biggest and most dangerous sniper rifles is operating right now on the front lines in Ukraine. The length of the assembled "Alligator" – 2 m, Barrel length - 1,2 m. The 14. . 0) © Provided by War History Online 2. Snipex is the subsidiary of XADO Chemical Group, that’s why there is “XADO” engraved on the receiver. 50cal is too small. The Alligator form fires from a 5-round detachable box magazine (inserted ahead of the pistol-grip / trigger unit through a manually-actuated bolt. The Snipex Alligator is a bolt-action, magazine-fed anti-materiel rifle chambered in 14. Report this post Report ReportBreaking News. Most parts can be moved. Розроблення для враження рухомих і нерухомих цілей, у тому числі легко броньованих. 45×39 round, the standard issue for Ukrainian ground troops. This rifle is manufactured by the Kharkiv HADO-Holding company. Original WWII PTRS has been used in this conflict too by Donbas militiamen since 2014. The Fort-221 chambers a 5. Premium Stainless Steel Precision Tweezers-45°Angled-Needle-Point Tips-ESD. Fort, Zbroyar assault rifles are available in the assembly. Not everything that is a large caliber is a “sniper rifle”. The Snipex Alligator use the ammunition for it original application. 5×114 mm. ardesofmiche. Russians hates this one simple trick. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. 6 pounds), has a barrel length of 1200 mm (47″) and an overall length. This Rifle was made by Mauser in 1943. Snipex 'Alligator' 14. 2 ounces, compared to a 1. It can fire a 14. 5×114mm - Wikipedia. 7 look. 6. StoreAt a weight of 3. SNIPEX ALLIGATOR 14. In wars during the XIX century, troopers could feel safe by backing a couple of meters away from musket fire. Design. The 50-pound Snipex Alligator rifle is as long as its namesake—and just as dangerous. 3D printing settings. SnipeX restores/repairs the rifled barrels affected by: erosion from heat, micro cracks, chrome knock offs, caverns, traces of corrosion, worn out rifling lands. © Valve Corporation. 5x114mm which is being used by Ukraine in their massive rifle: the Snipex Alligator. At that distance Alexander was able to put 2 out of 5 shots through a 1m diameter gong. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. It can fire a 14. 5×114mm Snipex Alligator on the Eastern front. Shoots a 1000 grain projectile at 3300 ft/s with 24,000 ft lbs of energy. 57 caliber ammunition 14. Length: 5". 14. You aren't carrying an m82/SASR around for anti vehicle purposes. The Snipex М rifle is available in two versions. Однозарядна гвинтівка калібру 12,7×108 з автоматичним викиданням гільзи. Photo credit: Snipex. 45×39 round, the standard issue for Ukrainian ground troops. The 14. Ukraine’s long-range, anti-materiel rifle: Snipex "Alligator" 14. Is the Snipex Alligator suitable for hunting? Yes, the Snipex Alligator is suitable for big game hunting due to its . Log in. The Ukrainian-made Snipex Alligator is a fearsome 6ft 5in, 55lb sniper rifle. 5×114mm caliber. 1,069. ago. . Posted: 8/23/2020 11:53:28 AM EST. Пристрій для зниження рівня звуку пострілу sn-rs14. The rifle, fully assembled, is six feet, six inches long (longer than the average sniper is tall) and weighs 50 pounds. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. 7mm rounds found. Розроблення для враження рухомих і нерухомих цілей, у тому числі легко броньованих. Snipex Alligator is a Ukrainian long-range rifle produced since 2020. . 5×114mm (. Additionally, it’s equipped with a recoil-isolating buttstock that, when paired with the four- or five-baffle muzzle brake and padded shoulder stock. com] See APES Scopes if you only wish to use our custom scopes like shortdot, shinigami and more. Published: Sep 18, 2022. . Alligator is a magazine-fed bolt-action rifle adapted from the Snipex T-Rex. Ukrainian soldiers have been seen using the two-metre-long Alligator anti-materiel rifle, so we've taken a closer look at what it can do. 5 ft to 7 ft long. "Very quick and accurate work by one of them last night. 5x114mm detachable box magazine Manufacturer: XADO-Holding Ltd Maximum firing range: 7,000 m Muzzle velocity: 980 m/sHADO-Holding’s antimateriel precision rifles Snipex T-Rex and Snipex ALLIGATOR are seen on display at Arms & Security 2021 Expo held in Kyiv The LASKA K-2 is the second of Ukraine-developed machineguns in the 12. これは、ボ. 5×114 Mass: 25kg Overall length (assembled): 2000mm Barrel length: 1,200mm Rifling: 8/16. На озброєння Збройних Сил України прийняті далекобійні великокаліберні гвинтівки для високоточної стрільби Snipex T-REX і Snipex ALLIGATOR калібру 14,5х114 мм. In Florida in 2020, a skull was found. 5x114mm cartridge was adopted by the Soviet Union during the WW2 and used in PTRD and PTRS anti-tank rifles. [1] During loading, the cartridge is inserted into the breech opening with the bolt open. It can fire a 14. Snipex MONOMAKH— самозарядна антиматеріальна далекобійна гвинтівка під набій 14,5×114 мм. It also makes use of a proprietary 30-round magazine for that cartridge. Accuracy is ensured by the floating barrel, which is in free recoil during the shot. Snipex T-rex 14. 50 BMG civvie versions of the single shot Snipex 75 and 100, as well as the bolt-action Alligator. Ukrainian made by Snipex part of the XADO Corporation and adopted by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. On the front lines in Ukraine right now, one of the largest and most lethal sniper rifles in the world is in use. Snipex Alligator — багатозарядна великокаліберна гвинтівка з поздовжньо-поворотним затвором та подачею набоїв калібру 14,5×114 мм з магазину, виробництва компанії ХАДО-Холдінг. 5x114 sniper round (same round as for PTRD/PTRS) never existed. 1 Comment. Bullet: 14. But how weird can it. One of the world’s biggest and most dangerous sniper rifles is operating right now on the front lines in Ukraine. Với cỡ nòng 14,5mm, khẩu súng đang được lực lượng vũ trang Ukraine sử dụng có sức sát thương lớn gấp đôi Barrett M107 nổi tiếng của Mỹ. On the front lines in Ukraine right now, one of the largest and most lethal sniper rifles in the world is in use. The Northern Alligator Lizard is a small lizard that resembles a miniature alligator, from which the species gets its common name. 2 ounces, probably the heaviest sniper round available. 12:02 PM · Sep 19, 2022. Low-Poly Springfield Model 1873. 5×114mm Anti-Materiel Rifle - Snipex, a Ukrainian company specialized in designing and manufacturing anti-materiel rifles, has recently announced the release of a new rifle called Alligator. MrBen @Cart81320593Ben. Suppressors are actually mostly for reducing the signature of the shot, making it way harder to tell where it’s coming from. The designs and capabilities of these weapon systems are similar and their abilities are further enhanced by the addition of. It was originally developed for the PTRS and PTRD anti-tank rifles, but was later used as the basis for the KPV heavy machine gun that formed the basis of the ZPU series anti-aircraft guns. 14. “The Snipex Alligator long-range large-caliber magazine-fed repeating rifle is designed to engage moving and stationary targets: vehicles, communications and air defense systems, aircraft in parking areas, fortified fixed defensive positions, dugouts, etc. #trending #education #facts #shortvideo #shortfeed #information #influencer #military #war #ukraine #army Why Size Does Matter?! Snipex Alligator This new. The Snipex Alligator, designed to use the 14. Reply casualphilosopher1. Snipex Alligator Anti-Material Sniper Rifle. One of the world’s biggest and most dangerous sniper rifles is operating right now on the front lines in Ukraine. 50 bmg (12. A maximum range of under 7,000 meters and an effective range of just under 2,000 meters are both characteristics of the Snipe Alligator. Витримує горизонтальні. Find My Store. SNIPEX M100 12. 1. Kyle Mizokami of Popular Mechanics believes a large sniper rifle would need to be used to pull off such a feat of shooting. magnum cartridge turbosquid . The 14. It was also considered for export. 23. 338. Оптичні системи та кронштейни для ALLIGATOR. This enormous AMR (anti material rifle) shoots 14. What type of action does the Snipex Alligator have? The Snipex Alligator is a bolt-action rifle. 2 ounces, compared to a 1. Author has 715 answers and 2. Snipex Alligator este una dintre cele mai mari si periculoase pusti cu luneta din lume, ea fiind folosita cu precadere de fortele speciale ale Ucrainei. The cheekpiece is height-adjustable. The barrel is chambered for the 8 m/m German service round. 5×114mm Snipex M Ukraine: 2017 Rotating bolt 12. 개요 [편집] 우크라이나 의 총기 생산업체인 스나이펙스 (Snipex) [1] 에서 생산하고 있는 14. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 92 31 10 ESD. Призначена для ураження рухомих і нерухомих. ˘ ˙ ˛˝ ˙ ˚˝˜ . Designed to pierce a 10-mm armor plate from a distance of 1. 7x108. Some NCO's may even propagate this myth, but non of them can show you the source, and there are plenty of well-qualified. 5x114mm AMR, somewhere in an urban enviroment. 5 in Ukraine and Syria. Kuzmin / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4. Is the Snipex Alligator a military-grade weapon? The Snipex Alligator is designed for military and law enforcement use, as well as civilian. 1925 "american alligator" 3D Models. 14,5×114 мм однозарядна великокаліберна антиматеріальна гвинтівка ручного заряджання T-REX. 5x114 mm. 20MM. Compared to their single-shot T-Rex rifle, the Snipex Alligator is a magazine-fed one. The rifles have the bullpup design. The Russo-Ukraine war has definitely been producing some of the weirdest weapons we’ve seen fielded in recent history, maybe even ever. Ukrainian Snipex Alligator 14. 5mm is a great round. Snipex ALLIGATOR chambered for 14. 4. KNIPEX. designed to withstand the recoil of a powerful 14. The Snipex Alligator is an anti-materiel rifle (Snipex) The 14. Kyiv's troops are using the weapon in their defence of Ukraine against Russia. The rifle has a height-adjustable cheek rest for the shooter. 12:02 PM · Sep 19, 2022. 5 and the Snipex Alligator as its new sniper rifles after they successfully passed all state trials and evaluations, Ukrainian gun maker XADO Chemical Group said last weekend, according to the Defense Blog website. And yes you need to build that mother of all tube guns. 5mm is a monster round. 5×114mm, has an effective firing range of 2,000 meters, roughly on par with the . 5 ounces for the . 5 × 114 is designed to destroy moving and stationary targets, including light. The Snipex Alligator is a bolt-action, magazine-fed anti-materiel rifle chambered in 14. The Snipex Alligator has its disadvantages. 000 de metri. “According to the state examinations results, 14. 5 kg (49. 5-millimeter round weighs 2. 14,5×114 мм багатозарядна великокаліберна. Having only recently. 7x108, маса 29 кг, довжина 1840 мм. With the innovative crimping pliers KNIPEX 8" Twister16, wire ferrules can be crimped from almost any working position. Each toy is two and a half meters. . 5×114 Mass: 25kg Overall length (assembled): 2000mm Barrel length: 1,200mm Rifling: 8/16. Оптичний приціл SNIPEX SCFF-30 5-30х56Subscribe to HornbillTV to follow news at hyperlocal, regional, national and international level. This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. The box magazine is detachable, holds. Initially designed as an anti-tank round for World War. The Snipex Alligator, designed to use the 14. 50 caliber round used by the Model 82. Snipex T-REX 14. Why the Snipex Alligator Is the Anti-Everything Rifle 17,291 views Oct 14,. 5 km with a single bullet it is currently used on the frontline. Download 3D model. 92 21 14 ESD. Effective range - 2 thousand. 7x108 кулемету xado - snipex laska k -2Набій 12. Edit: for anti armor purposes like op implied. XADO Snipex Alligator Snipex. 12-inch Pliers Wrench with Dipped Handle - Chrome Vanadium Electric Steel - Red Finish - Versatile Tool for Gripping, Holding, and Bending. 5×114mm caliber#StandWithUkraine️ #StopRussia #ArmUkraineNow #StopPutin #Ukraine #UkraineWar. Для цільового вогню на дальні дистанції. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. More recently, in November 2022, a Ukrainian sniper using an indigenous XADO Snipex Alligator rifle in 14. Witajcie! W dzisiejszym filmie przedstawię wam ukraiński dwumetrowy karabin snajperski - Snipex Alligator. The bullet used for the record-breaking shot was a . 5×114 - многозарядная дальнобойная крупнокалиберных винтовка с магазинным. 5mm KPVT heavy machine gun rounds into enemy targets. . 62x54, 5. Speaking of the round, the 14. The Fort-221 chambers a 5. 5mm X 114mm) is basically the old Soviet equivalent to the 50. The range of the bullet is up to 7 km. Topics. . At 6ft 5in tall, the lethal weapon is taller than most soldiers and is. 7x108 and . Bullets from Alligator & Kalashnikov. (changed due to suggestion) < > 12 Comments NG6Heavy Weapons Mann Sep 16 @ 6:15amIn this video you will see several alligator kill shots and every shot was taken with my 357 bang stick. Adults average 9. This is a higly accurate printed replica, however some accommodations have to be made to allow for 3D printing. First, the length of the rifle is 2 meters. No copyright, can be. 50 BMG ball round. Snipex T-Rex was adopted by the Ukrainian Armed Forces just a few months before the full-scale russian invasion. The rifle, fully assembled, is six feet, six inches long (longer than the average sniper is tall) and weighs 50 pounds. The Snipex Alligator can strike. 23 mil 12 mil. #MostDangerousRiffle #DangerousRiffle #SNIPEX #ALLIGATOR #tank यूक्रेन दुनिया की सबसे ताकतवर राइफलों में से एक. Media in category "Snipex Alligator" This category contains only the following file. The Ukrainian-made Snipex Alligator is a fearsome 6ft 5in, 55lb sniper rifle Its rounds can penetrate armour that is half-an-inch thick from a mile away Kyiv's troops are using the weapon in their defence of Ukraine against Russia It is one of many weapons giving Ukrainian troops an advantage over Putin's The Snipex Alligator Calibre:. 5mm version of this got posted here a few months ago. 50 calibre armour-piercing incendiary round, the site. 5 km with a single bullet it is currently used on the frontline. The sheer size and weight of the rifle allows for a lot of the recoil to be absorbed, rather than imposed onto the soldier; the Snipex Alligator remains relatively steady after a round is fired. . این قدرت برای نفوذ به زره کناری ۹ میلیمتری یک نفربر زرهی چرخ دار روسی BTR-80 کافی است. We have links to verified charity's in Ukraine in the menu. Insider made contact with Ghost via the Separate Presidential Brigade, which his sniper. The Snipex Alligator. Snipex Alligator. Even "just" as a semi auto it would be stunning. 5×114mm The Snipex Alligator long-range large-caliber magazine-fed repeating rifle is designed to engage moving and stationary targets: vehicles, communications and air defense systems, aircraft in parking areas, fortified fixed defensive positions, dugouts. . This new insane ukraine the Snipex Alligator Sniper#soonyouknow #military #warСертифікат про реєстрацію гвинтівки Snipex ALLIGATOR [9] ЗСУ розповіли, що було прийнято на озброєння у 2021 році Накази МО України про прийняття на озброєння (постачання) Збройних Сил України:Snipex Alligator. Yes, only the Hague Convention deals with the weapons of war, but it contains no restriction on the use of "anti-material rifles", 50 BMG, 14. It feeds from 10- or 20-round box magazines, and produces quite a bit of recoil. When you want to kill the Russian sniper, the wall behind him, and comrade general smoking a cigar on the other side. • 2 yr. Ukraine’s long-range, anti-materiel rifle: Snipex "Alligator" 14. The Snipex Alligator long-range large-caliber magazine-fed repeating rifle is designed to engage moving and stationary targets: vehicles, communications and. 5x114 semi auto has 2 variations ammo data 12. 7×108. Basically 50% heavier, faster and more powerful than a 50 BMG. Additionally, it’s equipped with a recoil-isolating. Оптичні системи та кронштейни для ALLIGATOR. Both versions are designed taking into account all the requirements for weapons for high-precision shooting. Both rifles are de. 🌏 Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal here risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee! Since Russia started its invasion. 5 × 114 mm was successful at a range of 2,710 m. I’d bet the audio is pretty compressed in this video. Приціл SNIPEX JOVE 50 спеціально розроблений для використання зі зброєю великих калібрів. snipex alligator 14,5×114 мм багатозарядна великокаліберна антиматеріальна гвинтівка ручного заряджання ALLIGATOR ОсобливостіAs the sniper creed goes: One shot, one giant swath of destruction across a 10 mile radius. Гвинтівки Snipex T-REX 14,5 та Snipex ALLIGATOR 14,5 успішно пройшли державні випробування і вдало витримали всі іспити. Yes, the Snipex Alligator can be customized with various accessories and modifications. for pricing and availability. 7K views, 50 likes, 4 loves, 2 comments, 15 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from S3Fsolutions: A Ukrainian sniper using a Snipex Alligator rifle. Yeah, they sell 12. 5, Red Color, Pliers Wrench. Ukraine is known to be using the Snipex Alligator rifle, which is larger and has a longer range than its more-famous Barrett . 5×114 mm caliber Snipex rifles have been adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine! We congratulate everyone involved and thank. 7 machinegun. Game-ready 3D model of Sniper Rifle Snipex Alligator. stl; Alligator Parts/Barrel-Part 1. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. 2 ounces between 59 and. Marketplace Online shops. 5x114mm rounds through the air at around 980 metres per-second, and is capable of penetrating the side of a Russian BTR-80 armoured vehicle with a single. Ukrainian Sniper Working With Snipex Alligator Super Rifle Against Enemies 37. Ukrainian troops officially recorded the second longest confirmed kill in history, with the Snipex Alligator rifle far taller than those firing it, or fired at by the behemoth rifle. 50 cal, 14. This sniper is nutty and i love it. 762x54. The test round inserted into the breech. XADO Snipex Alligator Snipex. At 6ft 5in tall, the lethal weapon is taller than most soldiers and is. 5x114 single feed Can swap the ammo between AP and HE in-game May be best solution when you have to deal with both soft and hard target. (Photo Credit: Vitaly V. The two-meter-long weapon was been in production since 2020 and fires 14. Alligator Parts/14. Click to expand. The Snipex Alligator is a bolt-action rifle manufactured by XADO-Holding Ltd - a multinational company with headquarters in Germany, the Netherlands and Ukraine. 5mm round weighs 2. With AP rounds can penetrate 30mm armored steel plate at 500m. 7mm rounds found. 5×114mm bolt-action Anti-Materiel Rifle which feeds from a 5 round box magazine. . Caliber, mm: 14. Model: The model may contain some inaccuracies. type of anti-materiel rifle. Snipex ALLIGATOR під набій 14. 50 calibre cousin, meaning it is certainly possibly for one of Kyiv's. . A Ukrainian T-64 Tank opens fire first blasting a 125mm shell followed by a BRDM-2 which unleashes 14. Ukraine's Snipex Alligator anti-material 14. Snipex Alligator This new. Which was a hair outside of budget. 5mm ammo, but has been adapted to the more common 12. The effective firing range is specified as up to 2000 meters. The weapon used was almost. 5x114 guns fire 1000gr bullets at 3300 ft/s. 5k. Its rounds can penetrate armour that is half-an-inch thick from a mile away. used photos:сайт XADOОгляд нового 12. Each 14. Still not sure how it will perform in fields against soft targets, since the 14. Surface Studio vs iMac – Which Should You Pick? 5 Ways to Connect Wireless Headphones to TV. It should reload with high cal ranger. If you have any questions about the model please write to me by. snipex galaxy g50 для екстремальних відстаней та великих калібрів Оптичний приціл SNIPEX GALAXY G50 6-24×56About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 5-millimeter heavy machine gun round. It can destroy various equipment. 8 Favourites. Generic aftermarket set. Rigged parts: trigger, shutter, ammo + root bone. . When you want to kill the Russian sniper, the wall behind him, and comrade general smoking a cigar on the other side. This weapon is just nuts in this game :D i think it's from. Low-Poly Snipex Alligator. За результатами державних випробувань гвинтівки прийняті на озброєння Збройних Сил України. A maximum range of under 7,000 meters and an effective range of just under 2,000 meters are both characteristics of the Snipe Alligator. The Cajun Grocer offers whole alligator shipped nationwide. Table info: Name, Country, Image, Year, Action. 5mm×114. 7 mm caliber to have reached the Testing stage of implementation, the first one being the KT-12. 5mm の弾丸を 4 マイル以上の範囲で発射できます。. Download 3D model. 5x114mm cartridge was adopted by the Soviet Union during the WW2 and used in PTRD and PTRS anti-tank rifles. Adopted by Ukrainian forces in 2020, the Snipex Alligator is a Ukrainian anti-materiel rifle capable of destroying fortified positions, vehicles, aircraft, and probably dinosaurs. Ukrainian troops have reportedly deployed a devastating mega sniper rifle in their battle against Russia. A few years ago this company used to be known only for making automobile lubricants. The Alligator is a 14. 5-millimeter round weighs 2. 5mm machine gun ammo. Hi u/SmokeSinseLoud!Welcome to r/RussiaUkraineWar2022. add to list. President Zelensky’s troops are using one of the biggest and most powerful rifles ever made – the Snipex Alligator. 00. The Ukrainian-made Snipex Alligator is a fearsome 6ft 5in, 55lb sniper rifle Its rounds can penetrate armour that is half-an-inch thick from a mile away Kyiv's troops are using the weapon in their defence of Ukraine against Russia It is one of many weapons giving Ukrainian troops an advantage over Putin's The Snipex Alligator Calibre: 14. 5. The Snipex Alligator can strike with nearly. The Alligator is a 14. This is a persistent myth. 7x108mm Snipex Monomakh Ukraine: 2021 14. Slava Ukraini! another amazing and simple way of pulling ludicrous amounts of tomfoolery on a vatnik is unloading 50cal into their kneecaps. The scope then jumps upwards and momentarily goes blank as. Download 3D model. 5x114mm (. Press the bell icon on YouTube for all the latest updates f. Each 14. Відбій гаситься за рахунок дулового гальма, короткого відкоту та оптимально збалансованої ваги. Snipex Alligator - українська антиматеріальна ґвинтнівка!Купити комплект листівок "Українська бавовна" та. Written by Samantha Franco and Clare Fitzgerald The Snipex Alligator is a massive anti-material rifle (AMR) that’s manufactured by XADO-Holding, Ltd. The Alligator, developed by Snipex, is a highly specialized weapon, and a big one at that. The huge weapon fires rounds that can penetrate armour that is around half-an-inch thick from a distance of a mile away, making it a highly effective weapon against Russian armour and soldiers alike. 5mm rifle which is most commonly used to damage vehicles and equipment at long distances. Sign upThis new insane ukraine sniper rifle the Snipex Alligator Sniper#soonyouknow #military #warSnipex M75, Snipex M100. Suppressors are actually mostly for reducing. Download 3D model. Initially designed as an anti-tank round for World War II-era Soviet weapons, it can accommodate a 59- to 66-gram. Click for more info. Posted by u/nOMnOMShanti - 225 votes and 28 comments7. GI#: 102508362. stl;It's probably really easy to find in Ukraine, it's country of origin, where there's a literal war going on. Each 14. 5×114 - многозарядная дальнобойная крупнокалиберных винтовка с магазинным. Made with one own material. The rifles have the bullpup design. . The Ukrainian-made Snipex Alligator is bigger than e. 7 mile kill with one the other day. 2 ounces, compared to a 1. There is a time and place for legitimate anti material weaponry. 5×114 мм) Snipex T-Rex та Snipex ALLIGATOR у грудні 2020 року були прийняті на озброєння Збройних сил України.